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Understanding Theft: A Perry Hall Theft Attorney Explains

The crime of theft in Maryland can either be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. Both  carry  incarceration and fines.  Examples of felony theft include armed robbery and auto theft. Per MD Criminal Law Code §7-104, prison sentences can range from 90 days to 25 years. Due to the stiff penalties faced when you are convicted of theft, it is important that you seek counsel from a Perry Hall theft attorney that has the experience and skill to provide you with the representation you need at such a crucial time.

Explanation Of Theft Laws In Perry Hall, Maryland

Pursuant to MD Criminal Law Code §7-104, theft is broken down into five different types:

  • A person may not willfully or knowingly obtain or exert unauthorized control over property
  • A person may not obtain control over property by willfully or knowingly using deception
  • A person may not possess stolen personal property knowing that it has been stolen or believing that it probably has been stolen
  • A person may not obtain control over property knowing that the property was lost, mislaid, or was delivered under a mistake as to the identity of the recipient or the nature or amount of the property
  • A person may not obtain the services of another that are available only for compensation by deception or with the knowledge that the services are provided without the consent of the person providing them

The statute further explains the importance of intent, knowledge, and willfulness, which a Perry Hall theft attorney from The Law Office of Cynthia Christiani, LLC, can explain.

Defenses to Theft According to A Perry Hall Theft Attorney

It is important to look closely at your case to identify any possible defenses. Some of the most common defenses include a lack of criminal intent and questions of ownership of the property you have been accused of stealing.

How A Perry Hall Theft Attorney Can Help You

Having a Perry Hall theft attorney represent you can be the best way to ensure your defense receives the attention and fortification it deserves. By conducting a thorough investigation of the charges against you and viewing the facts of your case through the lens of the law, attorney Cynthia Christiani can develop a defense that best supports your case.

Speak With A Perry Hall Theft Attorney At The Law Office of Cynthia Christiani, LLC

If you face theft charges, contact our firm and schedule a consultation with an experienced Perry Hall theft attorney. Our firm focuses on criminal defense and strives to provide our clients with the support their case deserves. We may be reached via our contact page.